Happy Summer!

Do This So Summer Doesn’t Slip Away

July 21, 20242 min read

Happy Summer! I’m so excited the warm, long days are here. I never complain about the heat because I spend all winter longing for warmer weather. Even though it’s in the 90s, I’m grateful it’s not -20!

          With each new season, there is an opportunity to make sure time doesn’t waste away. Do you ever look back on a year or season and ask yourself, “Where did the time go?”

          When we don’t have a plan and/or goal the, time slips away so fast. That why goal setting and having at least one good goal is part of giving your best life! If you missed it, I did an entire podcast on what the Bible says about planning. Check it out here, and scroll down to episode #92.

          Every summer I make a “Summer Dream List”. It’s a way to make sure I don’t spend all my time working, but I get out with friends and family, and enjoy the gift of longer days and lots of sunshine, God has given us.

          Here’s my list.

Stephanie reading a book

Hopefully my list has given you some ideas. Now, take a few minutes, write out your list, and then share it with me! Let’s hold each other accountable this year, for giving our best life this summer.        



P.S. If you want to know more about how I created the list and different categories you want to think about, check out my recent podcast episode #116: Podcast | Stephanie L. Jones | Giving Your Best Life

I'm so excited! Calvary Church launched The Giving Challenge for Kids to over 140 families! Each child received a copy of Giving Gal. It has been so fun to hear from parents and grandparents how they are living the giving challenge with their families. If your family wants to participate, free resources and activities are available (here). Reply to this email if you would like to bring this program to your church.

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