This Happened to Me and I'm at Peace

This Happened to Me and I'm at Peace

April 16, 20242 min read

Last Wednesday, I received an email at 6:46 a.m. with the subject line: Important information about your role.

I knew what was coming, and when I opened the email, my suspicions were confirmed as I read, “Unfortunately, your role has been eliminated.”

If you didn’t know, since 2008, I have worked in the tech industry for two of the largest companies in the world. If there is one thing for certain in the tech world, it is that it is always changing, and there are layoffs.

For years, I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn’t get the email so many dreaded. But this time, relief came when I received the email.

God had answered a prayer I had prayed for years. “Make it clear when I’m supposed to leave.”

I’d say an email that my role had been eliminated is as clear as it gets.

Peace, not panic, softly lapped upon me like the waters reaching the sand on a calm day. The verse from Philippians 4:7 continues to surface, “And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

The night before I received this email, I met with an organization about multiple speaking engagements and possible coaching with their members. As I drove home, I was grateful for the opportunity, and my mind spun as I pondered two books that I had started but hadn’t finished. “I’d love to finish them before the conference,” I thought, “but God, how am I going to get this all done?” I then asked.

In under 24 hours, I’d have my answer.

If you are in a place you may not want to be, pray, be in the Word of God, and on the side, take action in the way God is asking you to move. Trust Him that His timing will be perfect, and have faith that He knows exactly what you need and when to carry out what He is calling you to do.

Over the next few months, I’ll share more about this journey through this newsletter, podcasts, and books. If you have any questions or want me to explore a topic further, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here for you!

Stepping out in faith,


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